Astrology Books by Martin Goldsmith

Martin Goldsmith’s groundbreaking works on astrology all have one thing in common: a deep and profound grounding in a lifetime of study and practice that allows Goldsmith to tackle complex astrological problems with clarity and insight. After an encounter with Goldsmith’s work, experienced and beginning astrologers will be able to bring new and powerful insight to their readings.

Jupiter’s Dance

Now Available. This heavily researched book presents a dramatic new picture of Jupiter, and describes its effects by sign, house and aspect. The book also contains radical new portraits of Chiron, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto. These heretical readings aren’t based on personal speculation, but are the products of systematic empirical research. Astrology will never be the same.

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Zodiac By Degrees

In this book, Martin Goldsmith revises the 360 degree symbols, using both intuition and extensive empirical research. Astrologer Steven Forrest says of the book, “The Zodiac by Degrees gave me serious goose bumps on several occasions. Inside of half and hour, the text had cleared up my ambivalence about the exact degree of my Ascendant and given me a new understanding of my Sun degree—one vastly more evocative than the traditional Sabian interpretation. Martin Goldsmith is a poet in the old sense of the word: he’s on fire with imagery, and the fire is contagious.” The Zodiac by Degrees provides a symbol for each degree, a summary of the many ways the degree can manifest, and a list of famous people who have planets on that degree.

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View and Read Sample Degrees from Zodiac by Degrees (8 Sagittarius and 14 Capricorn).

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Moon Phases

This spiritually penetrating book provides explanations and symbolic images for the twenty-eight phases of the Moon. The book is based on material channeled by the great Irish poet, William Butler Yeats, revised and perfected through extensive empirical research. Many people use it as a their first step in chart interpretation.

Purchase Moon Phases: A Symbolic Key from